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642行目: 642行目:
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654行目: 654行目:
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    content: "因系統維護,評論區臨時暫停所有功能"

2022年8月19日 (金) 23:58時点における最新版

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 * Skeleton V2.0.4
 * Copyright 2014, Dave Gamache
 * www.getskeleton.com
 * Free to use under the MIT license.
 * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
 * 12/29/2014
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 * Thank the contribution by [[zhmoegirl:User:Great Brightstar]], the source code come from [[zhmoegirl:special:diff/834104]]. Pay attention that the japanese font are be set in the whole site
 * There are the origin comments:
 * Using the font-feature-settings attribute here will allow elements using the `lang` tag to force the use of OpenType technology to display localized variations (by activating the `locl` tag, even if the browser itself is not directly activated).
 * If you use Siyuan blackbody (not CN, JP, KO, TW version), Noto Sans CJK to display text, you may see the effect.
 * For the usage of the CSS properties above, see: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/font-feature-settings .
 * Note: The OpenType Feature Tags list referenced here also need to pay attention.
 * If there are any questions, please disable it immediately
 * Nbdd0121: Change `[lang]` to `span[lang]` to avoid unexpected behavior (e.g. div#mw-content-text)
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